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There is a question that we as Humans are seeking to discover the answer to - Who Am I? The answer to this question is the Key to experiencing Freedom and Being One with All That Is!

The information that is presented in the Workshops and Individual Sessions is designed to answer that question as thoroughly and completely as possible! As life is constantly changing and expanding, we are continuously awakening to a greater "Awareness" of Who We Are.

Light Weaving Joy is a Transformational Process that has been given from the Heavens at this time, for all in Humanity to have the full understanding of who they are, their personal history, the History of Humanity, and the understanding of the Journey since its beginning some seven million years ago.

You will receive greater understanding of the unique mission you have been on, assisting the Heavens to heal energies created when the Angels left the Heavens to go into the Void, by becoming expressions of those Archangels, carrying their Divine Qualities as well as what there was to be healed. Through your many experiences in your various lifetimes during the last six or seven million years these energies have been healed one by one for the Heavens.

Now is the time for your completion, giving you the opportunity to bring these energies that were created during these lifetimes, all of the suffering and pain, as well as the joy and happiness to a "Full Circle of Love" within you, loving and accepting it all just as it is, enabling you to see it as perfect as you bring it all to Love.

Now is the time to experience true FREEDOM!
The History of Humanity is fascinating, insightful and a doorway of understanding. I look forward to exploring it with you. We are coming to the completion of a Grand Project for Humanity that will release us from the need to experience Duality and Separation ever again, opening our hearts to fully embrace Love for ourselves and for all life, and live in Unity Consciousness.

This Transformational Process is a step by step development of embracing all of your life's experiences with Love and reconnecting to your Mastery, which will enable you to live in the Heart of God, loving and accepting all life just as it. You will go through a complete transformation to expand your whole being, bringing everything that limits you in any way to a greater expression of Love within you.

This Shift in Consciousness that is available for Humanity now gives us the full meaning of Love. It is the expanded definition of Love that Jeshua spoke about 2000 years ago, the same Being that many call Jesus and whose name was Jeshua Ben Joseph. Humanity has greatly evolved during the last 2000 years, and we are ready to receive the understanding of a "Full Spectrum of Love" and experience it in every aspect of our lives.

This meaning of Love does not deny or resist any part of life. All resistance to any part of Life is fully accepted and embraced with Love, you live in a state of Oneness with all life and you can truly "Celebrate" life in all its uniqueness, just as it is. With your willingness to embrace and release ALL that has held you in limitation in any way, you can experience a depth of Love that embraces all life everywhere and flow in the "One Flow of Love with all Life".

We will give you the Keys to experience Unlimited Consciousness by teaching you to take full responsibility for "who you are". You have the opportunity to fully participate in your "Reawakening", as you are the Key Player in your Transformational Process. You will receive the full understanding of why you were created and your purpose in life, and the ability to live life to your highest potential. This will enable you to see life as perfect just as it is without the need to change even the simplest thing.

You are becoming a being of pure Love, expanding your whole being to live in Christ Consciousness.
An important focus of the Workshops and Individual Sessions is to assist you in having a greater understanding of your six Aspects, which include the Mental, Emotional, Spirit, Physical, Soul Bodies and your Higher Self. These Aspects hold the "entire package" of your Mastery, along with all there is to Heal from every timeframe of your existence. That's why it is so very important for you to have a full understanding of ALL that incorporates who you are.

We will help you to learn how to embrace and accept these experiences and to transform them into Love. You will have the opportunity to discover yourself in much deeper ways and to see with greater clarity what there is for you to Heal. You will have the opportunity to discover what is held within each of your Aspects and to forgive and accept all your experiences in life. You will discover the intricacy of each of your Aspects, how they interact with each other and where your resistances are to experiencing complete Freedom.

As you continue in this process of wakening your whole being into Love, you will feel a greater "Awareness" of ALL Life. You can flood Love from your Higher Self into all of your Aspects, and feel the expansion of Love throughout your entire Being. This will facilitate an alignment of your Aspects to participate fully in Life and assist you on this wondrous Journey of living to your Highest Potential.

With your willingness to embrace the tools given to you in the Workshops and Individual Sessions, you can gradually heal every trauma and pain until you feel so much "Peace" and "Acceptance" in your being that you will see the Divine Perfection of your life and of the world around you. It is indeed a process of awakening your "Whole Being" into Love and taking full responsibility for Who You Are.

When you integrate all your aspects into "Wholeness" accepting life as perfect just as it you will unify your six Aspects to align in a radiant six point star. As you continue on your path of Mastery you will illuminate two more points to truly live your Highest Potential.

You will experience a Love-filled Matrix and see through the "Eyes of Love" with all life everywhere. This will facilitate your Whole Being to participate fully on this wondrous Journey of living your Highest Potential in Unity Consciousness and Being a shinning eight-pointed Star, illumined for all to see your radiant Light!

As shown in the diagram below, the additional two points are activated when you have expanded your awareness to fully integrate your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects of God Consciousness. With the activation of the Three-Fold Flame, you can experience life as a Fifth Dimensional expression in Humanity.

This Body of Work gives you all the tools you need to allow yourself to experience the shift of your consciousness to this vibration and experience your Absolute Freedom!

There are many gifts to expand within you as you step into your Mastery. This is the time to receive an abundance of Blessings from the Heavens to assist you on your Journey along the Path of Freedom!

Give yourself permission to be FREE and the Blessing of allowing yourself to heal

Everything in Life comes down to one simple Truth

Every Time You Choose Love
All Life every where is benefited!

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