The Mastering Technique Workshops give you a deeper understanding of the Key elements necessary for you to transform human consciousness and maintain life as a Fifth Dimensional expression in Humanity. The Workshops give you practical tools in “How To” Manuals to experience unlimited consciousness by teaching you to take full responsibility for Who You Are. This is the initial step in releasing all that has limited you and achieving your Absolute Freedom!

The tools given to you in the Workshops are designed to unravel the framework of who you think you are and give you the opportunity to let go of everything that does not serve you on the highest level. The Key to getting the most out of the Workshops is to just come with an open heart and mind; in fact, it would be great if you would simply set aside everything you thought you knew, for that opens the Doorway to a wondrous discovery of Who You Actually Are!

Cassandra Teaching

In the Workshops you will receive a deeper understanding of the six aspects that incorporate who you are, assisting you in Healing past traumas. Through group and individual practices with each of the Aspects, you will have the opportunity to discover hidden feelings and attitudes that will surprise you. This will greatly assist you to take full responsibility of ALL that you are. By embracing these past traumas fully without resistance they will naturally surrender into Love.

During each of the Workshops the Family of Light guides you through “Experiential Journeys” and “Group Forgiveness Processes”. This gives you the opportunity to receive Healing on the deepest level of your Beingness by unveiling aspects of your consciousness that may have never had the opportunity to speak their Truth. This will allow you to take a Leap in Consciousness, expand your ability to love yourself wholeheartedly, and enable you to see every bit of your current reality as being Perfect just as it is. This is the Key to opening yourself to limitless consciousness and experiencing Heaven on Earth.

* Healing Ourselves-Aligning All Six of Your Aspects
       To Heal Past Traumas Mastering Techniques Level One

This Workshop is designed for you receive a deeper understanding and unify the six aspects that incorporate who you are, the Mental, the Emotional, the Spirit, the Physical, the Soul and the Higher Self. These aspects reflect the traumatic experiences that you have carried with you through each embodiment and influence how you experience life today. Click Here

* Light Weaving Into the Fifth Dimension
       Mastering Techniques Level Two

Experience a “leap in consciousness” as you receive an overview of the first Seven Dimensions, with journeys into the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions. You will receive revelations about our Human History, along with a “How To” Manual with tools that will assist you to transform limiting beliefs, Heal past traumas and to experience life as a Fifth Dimensional expression in Humanity. Click Here

* Whole Self Integration
       Mastering Techniques Level Three

An advanced presentation of the information in the first two workshops with more about the History of Humanity, giving you a deeper understanding of the Key elements necessary for you to transform human consciousness and to maintain life as a Fifth Dimensional expression in Humanity.   Click Here